Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Shall We Begin?

When I look back over the last two months of 2010, I am excited that it ended on such a positive note in my world. It had a conclusion of love and laughter and fun with friends and family. I also appreciated the unexpected income that came our way. It was a sweet ending to a year that felt quite challenging at times, but exited easily and gently. I remember feeling hopeful that I could send my happiness to everyone at that time. There were so many that were experiencing harder times and I just wanted to share how good life could feel. I wanted to give my happy feelings out as my gift. In some ways, I believe that I did that. By Believing in and Enjoying what I brought into my life, I sent out a shining signal to the Universe for others to tap into when their Joy was running a little low. They could just plug right into even the smallest thing that looked pleasant and light themselves up. It is amazing how we are all connected.
And now, we are in a new month and a new year with endless possibilities. We do not have to be bound by the old thoughts. We can start a brand new Journey by clearing out our minds and being hopeful of the present and the future. We can begin with one step. We can move forward with eager anticipation of the awesome things that are just around the corner. They can be invisible, but very real, so keep moving forward. We are going to run right into all that we desire as long as we keep taking the steps and believing there is always more. It is in front of us, not out of reach as it sometimes seems. Let's do this together! I want to see a bigger and brighter year with lots more fun! What do you want to experience? Reach for something much grander than what you have settled on up to now. Go for it! I am starting today by taking a Playwriting Class for a few weeks that I have never even thought of before. I know though it will expand my writing and me and I am excited! I am ready for a fun challenge! And you? Shall We Begin?....

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving - The Appreciation Month

What a great month! I spent a lot of time thinking about all of the things for which I am thankful. I love being in an appreciation mode. It feels so good to look at your life and find the blessings that already exist. You know once you get started, more and more blessings start showing up. It is like they multiply and get grander as you give them attention. I believe we should do this often. The more we shine a light on our appreciation, the more we keep ourselves in the positive. We create a life of blessings! Thank you for being here:) Much love, Vickie

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You Are Your Own Nucleus

Hey! It sure feels good to be on here again. I have missed my blog.J It has been awhile. I have been wrapped up in fun and lots of movement each day, but I haven't been able to stop long enough to sit and type some of my ideas out on the computer. Well, now it is time!

I had a thought the other day about how much of our life we use in trying to please or help other people. We are very socially oriented and it seems we play that out by structuring our time around others and what will make them happy. While doing this, we have a tendency to completely negate what is best for ourselves. We are lost to how important "self" is. We don't realize that "You are your own nucleus". We are our own core in which all else revolves. If we do not focus first on our center and what energizes it, then we will have nothing of importance to send out to the World. We have a responsibility to put our own self first and to love and honor that which we see inside. We must start there for nourishment and guidance and where to pay attention to what feels good from our Soul. All else will gently smooth itself out and you will discover how bright your own light can shine. It is at this point, that you will have something to offer to others. Your example of BEING you and spotlighting your own nucleus will expand the goodness of the Universe. It will show others how they can find happiness within themselves. It will also attract to us those that do not "need" us in a debilitating way. Instead, we will begin to see people come into our lives with the same focus, strength, and vitality. We will feel fresh and alive and they will too. If we really want to help others, then maybe we should start our day by looking into a mirror and saying to the person we see, "Namaste". The greatness of who I am sees the greatness of who you are. The more we love ourselves, the more we give it to others. You are your own nucleus.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Great Show Saturday Night

I just wanted to give an update. It was a wonderful show Saturday night. There was so much talent and fun! It felt like everyone had a great time and the Silent Auction was a big success too! I enjoyed myself tremendously and had no problem with the words when I got up on stage! I was a little nervous and then once the performance got started, I was home. I found peace and a new love as I settled in to it. It felt so amazing to create something within myself, have it go through several stages of transformation, and then shine through me up on stage. Life is powerful and I plan to keep reaching for more! I know this is the beginning of an incredible vision and journey and I am excited! Thank you for travelling with me! Thank you again to http://www.angelicstrings.com/ for your music and sharing your creative selves with me on stage. It was quite an experience! I appreciate all those that came out and the positive feedback! Thank you! Let's see what we can create now...with love and joy!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mentally Getting Ready for the Variety Show

I have been writing and rehearsing for the past couple of weeks to get ready for the Variety Show this Saturday. I am only performing three poems at this point with my friends, Angelic Strings, but in my heart it feels much bigger than a 10-minute performance. I usually am more comfortable doing things behind the scenes, but I am discovering that when I am creating, I love to share my talents with the world! Creating and sharing are easy, but it's the nervousness in my stomach I am trying to smooth out. I am a Virgo, so practicing, practicing, and more practicing is the solution. My mind believes in order and control by creating a habit of knowing the words inside and out. It is a method to fall back on, a way to go into auto-pilot in case I can't see the words in my head while up on stage. My hope is that the mouth will still keep spilling out the poetry in some form of beautiful design, even if my mind goes blank. Actually, my real hope is that I will get into the zone of the poems themselves and feel them come to life as I am up on stage. When I wrote them, they had a life of their own and performing expresses that life in a different way than on paper. I really enjoy creating with words and music as my inner artist comes alive! I'll let you know how it goes!